Nov. 10, 2006. It was a lovely Friday night in Santa Barbara, California, and the autumn air was nippy. Billy and I flew in from Phoenix that morning to see the Robert Cray Band in concert. It’s a once-every-album ritual for Billy, where he avidly purchases the best tickets he can get to see his favorite artist, Robert Cray ("The Master", as he calls him) in concert.
The event was being held at The Lobero Theater, a small, intimate venue built in 1873. The halls of California's first theater were narrow and dimly lit, the intricately paneled ceilings illuminated with huge chandeliers. Its 680 seats were upholstered in an aged red fabric, and the faint smell of old dust hung in the air.
At about twenty minutes to eight, we made our way to the second row and settled in as I took in the darkly lit stage that suffused my field of vision. To the right, a set of drums with four huge accompanying Matchless amps; center stage in the back was a bass guitar with its own set of amps; left of that were two keyboards forming an L, and even more amps that looked like antique travel trunks; and front center was the microphone at which the Master would play and croon.
We were seated in the center section, second row, at the two seats to the very left, which meant that Billy was right next to the aisle. Little did I know that our proximity to the stage, and Billy's to the open lane, would later come into play on this bizarre evening.
The theater filled up with enthusiastic fans. The band came on stage to loud cheers and applause, and the concert ensued with an electrifying air. The two ladies to my right were really into it, dancing in their seats and occasionally letting out an enthusiastic yelp, yet remaining pleasant. Which is more than what I can say for a couple of idiots that came out of the woodwork as the night wore on.
Now the seat in front of me was taken, not at first but eventually, by a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair. As if on cue from a bad script, the ushers came to the front once again, but this time with a different purpose. They asked the people in the first row, "Is this your seat? Can I see your ticket?" Mr. Salt-and-pepper-hair nodded yes to the first question, then five seconds later got up to leave. Hmmm… nice to meet you, Idiot Number 2. How many more before the night was over, I wondered.
After just two songs with a wide open view of the stage, Dancing Guy came back and sat in the seat that Salt-and-pepper-hair had vacated. I guess this was the seat he had actually paid for. But it meant he was right between me and Robert Cray.
In the middle of all this, The Third Idiot made its appearance. It came in the form of a woman in her late thirties, who stood about 5’2”, was 30 pounds overweight and wearing a tight shirt and jeans. She came walking down the aisle, stopped in front of the stage and started dancing by her self. I tried not to stare at her. And everything went perfectly fine, until that one climactic moment during a fast song when she gestured at people around her to get up, and, noticing everyone’s polite non-compliance, she bent down towards Billy and told him loudly, "Get up off your ass!"
[To be continued]
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